Illinois Hemp Growers Association
Our Latest YouTube video: Ready to Plant Hemp!
This week in our video series, we share insights into our unique hemp grow this season. The video shows the field we are growing in and talks about the seed and planting methods we are using.
Visit us on YouTube and subscribe to our channel!
The Stage is Set

This is a satellite image of the 1 acre field we are planting in. We wanted to do a combination of vegetables and hemp in the same field. Based on the way the creek flows on the property, we have a wet spot in near the middle of the field during heavy rains that we’ll be planting to cover crops.
We chose to do vegetables on the west side and hemp on the east side of the field so we can easily access our vegetables. With the layout of the vegetable crop rows along side the hemp rows we will get to see many different crops side by side with hemp this year.
Introducing Our Latest Sponsor
We are proud to announce that The Plug Supply of Illinois is our latest sponsor!
In the spring of 2018, The Plug Supply had the largest CBD grow in the country of 1800 acres. The Plug Supply was able to identify what to do and definitely what not to do through significant trial and error and R & D. They identified that if farmers want a fighting chance of success, they truly needed data-backed agronomy support.
In 2019, The Plug Supply team managed 175 farms in 14 states, at over 8,000 total acres. They’ve expanded their network to 4 Satellite Locations in Oregon, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Kentucky. The Plug Supply is also partnered with 6 extraction businesses.
The Plug Supply’s mission is to support hemp farmers, to educate them with accurate information on the current market, farming best practices, and how to win with processing/distribution. They provide honest resources and their goal is to enable you to make the best decisions for you and your family.
Q2 Membership Meeting
The Illinois Hemp Growers Association’s Second Quarterly Meeting Thread will be posted tomorrow, May 14, 2020, on our IHGA Business Group page.
All dues-paying members will (at their leisure) be able to:
View the minutes from our last meeting
Read the IHGA officer’s reports for Q2
Fill out our online poll
Share their recent pictures and stories
Ask questions and get answers
We look forward to your responses and can’t thank you enough for your continued support. The Illinois Hemp Growers Association depends on grassroots members like you. 100% of the money we collect directly supports the creation of content that benefits the public in Illinois and around the country.
From our Friends at Davis Farms
Davis Farms of Oregon would like to announce a special offer to all IHGA members for a 30% discount from our normal pricing simply by mentioning this newsletter! To us the most important thing in 2020 is the success of the farmers planting hemp. We're concerned with all of the snake oil salesmen looking to unload inferior genetics on the populous as we pivot to a more federally controlled crop.
Davis Farms has been working since 2015 to breed stable varieties that stay below 0.3% Total THC at full maturity. In 2020 we are delighted to offer six different varieties that consistently test below this 0.3% threshold. Not only do our unique full term varieties meet compliance standards with consistent CBD to THC ratios above 30:1, but we are extremely proud to say all six consistently field test over 2.5% terpenes.
Davis Farms genetics were included in three university trials in 2019, and will be a part of five more university trials in the 2020 season. We have worked for several years to provide quality feminized seed produced from stable genetics and we are proud to be able to offer you a product we will stand behind 100%. Davis Farms is dedicated to seeing farmers who choose our seed have success in the field. Please feel free to check out our educational webinar series where we empower farmers with the knowledge to make informed decisions: Webinars