Illinois Hemp Growers Association
Founded in 2018
The Illinois Hemp Growers Association is a women-led benefit corporation supported by the sponsorship, donations, and dues of grassroots members. The IHGA educates producers and consumers while representing the industry's best interests in Springfield and throughout the state of Illinois.
Our goal is to build the resources and relationships necessary to grow a sustainable and equitable hemp industry. The IHGA achieves its goal through public education, consultation and service, working with legislators and statewide media on the issues, and volunteerism.

What is a Benefit Corporation?
A benefit corporation is a type of for-profit corporate entity that includes making a positive impact on society, workers, the community and the environment in addition to profit as its legally defined goals. The definition of "best interest of the corporation" is specified to include those impacts.
The IHGA prioritizes public benefit over profit!
We work to engage state and federal lawmakers and departments. We prepare and distribute educational materials to the public and advocate for industrial hemp in the press. We provide affordable services to help people save time and make informed decisions.
We practice servant leadership, a philosophy built on the belief that the most effective leaders strive to serve others, rather than accrue power or take control. We volunteer our time to increase our impact on the industry, help build community awareness, and encourage collective stewardship.
But we can’t do all that unless we are a benefit corporation as defined by 805 ILCS 40/ - Benefit Corporation Act and gifts to benefit corporations are not tax deductible.
Make a Donation to the Illinois Hemp Growers Association
Your Gift to the Illinois Hemp Growers Association Is Not Tax Deductible
A substantial part of the IHGA’s activities attempt to influence legislation (lobbying).
We contact and urge the public to contact members of a legislative bodies for the purpose of proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation. We advocate for the adoption or rejection of legislation.
And so, we are organized as a benefit corporation. As a benefit corporation our bylaws require us to create public benefit but also give us the flexibility to engage in unlimited lobbying and optionally generate profit.
However, if a tax deduction is important to you, then you can make a tax-deductible donation to support our civic engagement and public education work through our partners, the Midwest Hemp Council, the
National Hemp Association, or the Illinois Stewardship Alliance.