If you are a farmer living in Southern Illinois, are interested in growing industrial hemp fiber, and want to help survey the feasibility of bringing hemp fiber processing to the region, please consider filling out the survey below. We are working with SIU and The Climate Economy to collect data that will help developers know where we want to grow! "Most of southern Illinois has been designated as “priority energy communities” by the President’s Interagency Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization. The project will serve counties within a 50-60 mile radius of Southern Illinois University for the purposes of the initial study, with the potential to expand. This includes 15 southernmost counties, including 12 that are priority energy communities, and a majority of which suffer from chronic high unemployment, poverty and outmigration." The purpose of this survey is to understand the needs of industrial hemp (fiber/grain) farming in Southern Illinois. Compensation is in the form of drawings for a $25 Amazon gift card for those who complete this survey. Winners will be excluded in subsequent drawings. Participation is voluntary. If you choose to participate in the study, it will take approximately 7 minutes of your time. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate. Confidentiality: Responses will be anonymized. Upon receipt of the completed survey, your email will be entered for the drawing and will no longer be linked to your survey. There is no option to change responses to questions since it will be anonymous. Questions: contact Dr. Jeb, SIU Agribusiness Economics professor at ajebaraj@live.com. Take the survey: https://siucpsyc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_08KpESuHbVo8Aui
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Illinois Hemp Growers Association
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@Amy McMorrow Hunter is this survey still open??