I was just on the Ill.gov site and seen they were talking about new regulations coming down the pipe but i havent heard of it else where what gives?
"IDOA recently submitted a revised Hemp Plan to USDA for approval, based on the changes to the Final Rule. The next step is for IDOA to begin working on administrative rule changes, which will follow the process outlined by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules and the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
Key changes and additions to the Plan include: the expansion of institutions eligible to conduct hemp research, hemp remediation and disposal methods and requirements, laboratory testing requirements and specifications, inspection and sampling details, and provisions for negligent violations of the rules.
This page will be updated throughout the administrative rulemaking process. The rulemaking process provides opportunity for public comment and feedback. IDOA is committed to revising the rules in a way that meets USDA requirements while also addressing the specific needs and concerns of Illinois growers and producers."
Great post!
From what we've heard the changes will be minor compared to what is on the books now.
We are currently engaged with legislators who are also looking to make changes to Illinois statutes (as well as Part 1200 you mentioned) to better define and support the cannabis and hemp industries.
We will be pushing out a proposal to you and all our members for your approval and feedback later this month so watch this space and thanks for your question!